Discover Chinese Medical Techniques used to treat diseases

Acupuncture | Moxibustion | Electroacupuncture | Auriculotherapy | Tui Na Massage | Cupping | Chinese Phytotherapy

Treatable conditions


Facial paralisis


Common cold



Cervical pain



Frozen Shoulder
















The most well known Chinese therapeutic technique. It is realised by means of the painless application of fine needles in specific points (xue). It pertains to numerous meridians (power channels), that cross the surface and are distribute throughout the body forming an infinite network that connects all the parts of the organism. This puncture produces stimuli that aim to influence positively the flow of energy and to contribute to the restitution of the organic functional balance and the energetic harmony, synonymous of the health.

We have 361 points within the 14 meridians; called Jing Xue. There is also points outside the meridians, called Qi Xue; and finally the painful points or Ashi Xue. The needles used are made of stainless steel, thin, flexible and single-use. They are inserted perpendicularly or inclined and at different speeds. The depth adapts to the area to be treated but also to the patient's condition.



Consisting of placing several glass “cups” (open spheres) on the body, a match is lit and placed inside the cup and then removed before placing the cup against the skin. As the air in the cup is heated, it expands and after placing in the skin cools down, creating a lower pressure inside the cup that allows the cup to stick to the skin via suction, this causes the body to come loose cold and humid. The Qi is heated and decrease the swelling.



This technique was developed in the 1930s, and even now is still very popular with doctors. In this type of treatment, therapeutic reactions are produced by a needle attached to a device that provides an electric current.

It is about stimulating certain points with either a direct current, alternating current, continuous current with pulsations or mixtures of complex waveforms. The advantage of this treatment is that it replaces manual manipulation of the needle for a long time and facilitates proper control of the amount of stimulation.

Auricular Therapy


A Chinese technique that is used to prevent or to deal with diseases by means of the manipulation points or zones in the ear that the different parts of the body represent. The manipulation is realised by means of small and fine needles or seeds.

TuiNa Massage

Tui Na Massage

In this therapeutic technique, I use my own body to help my patients. The Chinese massage has effects not only on the skin and muscles, but also on bones, joints and more importantly, on the Qi and blood (xue) and internal areas of the body.

There are eight basic techniques as the knead (tui), pinch (na), pressing down (an), rubbing (mo), knead forming waves (gun), stretch (qian), percussion (da), and shake (dong).It is common for a single treatment to combine all of these techniques. The results that you would expect from this techniques range from the relief of pain caused by muscle problems to curing diseases. Most of these techniques are harmless and can be combined with other therapies.



It consists of burning a dried Chinese mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) on acupoints. Prepared in specialised stores, Moxa is especially effective when patient suffers from cold or humidity, because it is thought that the nature of artemisa is yang in pure state, and therefore, is suitable to warm you up. One of the application ways is to ignite a rod of Moxa and to move it near the skin, throughout the route of the meridian or to maintain it on acupuncture points so that the heat penetrates in the body through them. Another form of application is to ignite small cones of Moxa on the handle of the nailed needle, allowing the heat and the curative effect of artemisa ignited, through the needle to the body.

Chinese Phytotherapy

Chinese herbology is one of the treatment modalities adopted by traditional Chinese medicine. While the Chinese term is understood in general as herbal medicine, this form of treatment also use animal and mineral ingredients in the development of their formulas.

The various ingredients that make up each recipe are combined in proportions that maximise there effects and inhibit possible side effects.

The knowledge of these combinations and proportions is the result of thousands of years of experimentation and research. Currently they are sold in traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies. The remedies that combine the ingredients of each formula are produced in China and combine prescriptions for the most common problems and offer them in tablets or capsules.

Discover what treatments can help you.


Elysium Clinic
Calle Rio Elba, 3
Marbella, Malaga


Monday — Friday
10:00 — 14:00
16:00 — 19:00

11:00 — 14:00

(+34) 610 740 020